Saturday, January 10, 2015

Review: Into the Woods

Cinderella. Rapunzel. Little Red Riding Hood. All of your favorite Grimm fairy-tales wrapped into one movie. Follow them as they go through their lives which soon intertwine.

Into the Woods is a magical musical that draws you in. It isn't short on jokes either. "Agony" was hilarious! The entire theater was laughing. Though I enjoyed most of the movie, I found the ending as a let down. (Spoiler: not all princes are what you dream them to be.) But I am glad they stuck to the original Grimm stories.

I also think that Chris Pine wasn't the greatest choice for Charming. I don't know if it was the five-o'clock shadow or something else but I feel there was left to be desired. I found Rapunzel's prince a much better choice.

While there were flaws, overall this was a great movie. I give Into the Woods one gold slipper. (4 stars)

Warning! If you do not enjoy musicals this is not a movie for you! Because when they say musical, they mean song every scene! I like musicals but I know it is not for everyone.